Welcome to 8 Mile Wiki!
This is a wiki that you and everyone can edit pages, about the movie 8 Mile, note that it might contain Spoilers, from here, you can click the categories below to read pages about the subject featured in 8 Mile, you can find anything about B-Rabbit, Chin Tiki, 313 area code, and the group Three One Third and many more, you are welcome to visit.
52 articles98 files1,415 edits0 active users
About the Wiki
8 Mile Wiki is a collaborative community that documents everything from the film 8 Mile, Eminem's film debut directed by Curtis Hanson and its known for Grammy-Awarding for the "best original song", it was started in February 23rd, 2011, by the user PacBoyCraz, the wiki was abandoned since the beginning until now.
Featured Article

Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith is the main protagonist and a young underground rapper who frequently performed in rap battles, well known for beating the rapper Papa Doc and becoming the new champion, He is portrayed by the rapper Eminem.
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Did You Know...?

Mekhi Phifer, the actor who played Future, was scheduled to fly to Detroit to finish the film's audition process. The scheduled date, however, was two days after the infamous September 11th attack. The actor, who was living in New York at the time, was too shaky to board a plane. He almost didn't audition, but he did and ended up getting the part.